January 13, 2016

January Reading List

Big Sur by Jack Kerouac

Inherent Vice by Thomas Pynchon

2016 is all about creating manageable routines, and that includes my reading habits. So I'm going to read these two books this month, and I've scheduled my reading closely, so that I'll have a deadline to meet and an idea of how to manage my time. For each of these books, I'm reading only one or two chapters a day, keeping January nice and easy.

January 11, 2016

The 52 Lists Project

One thing I'm really working at this year is writing more-- writing anything. One way I'm doing that is by doing The 52 Lists Project, from the mind of Moorea Seal, a jewelry designer and blogger. 
The concept is pretty simple; each week of the year, you make a list, following a prompt from The 52 Lists Project Journal, available here and here

This is a great project to do if you're a writer because it helps to build a routine of writing. Plus, who doesn't love a good list? The lists are broken up by season, and follow a sort of seasonal theme. 

Get listing everybody!

January 9, 2016

Weekend Inspiration

"I did then what I knew how to do.

Now that I know better, 
I can do better."

- Maya Angelou

January 4, 2016

Happy 2016!

Happy New Year everybody! I'm sitting here now, in my pyjamas, surrounded by notebooks and books, listening to calming music and planning for 2016. And I'm getting excited. Like, really excited. Call me crazy, but I have really high hopes for this year. 
Coming into this year, I realized something, I'm the happiest I've ever been. Really, truly, happy. And I can feel the shift that came with this new year; a shift towards even more happy, towards more love and laughter and light. Towards friends and adventure and long-dreamed dreams coming true. 
This year, I'm making plans that don't involve school. I'm planning on concerts and dinners and time to write. I'm planning on growing and learning outside of an academic setting, and it's what's best for me right now. 

So here are my plans for 2016:

1. Learn to survive - I'm talking in a literal sense; how to make a fire, build a shelter, etc., but also how to be on my own, how to wake up early, to get stuff done, to set deadlines for myself, to explore and create what makes me happiest, to survive.

2. Simplify my life - I have a pile of clothing waist-deep (I'm not exaggerating) in the corner of my room, three (or more) crates of school supplies and random scraps of paper, and at least four different creative projects going on. I want to be a one-thing-at-a-time kind of girl, an I-don't-need-another-white-t-shirt kind of girl, a slow-and-steady kind of girl.

3. Write 500 words a day - A big one for me is creating routines in the new year, not only so that I'll do that stuff, but also to practice creating a routine itself. Writing is the most important thing to me, and I want to be chipping away daily at it. The number 500 is a little arbitrary, but concrete goals are important.

4. Save $5,000 - I spend, a lot. A lot a lot. It's bad. On garbage. There are things that I want to accomplish, big plans in the works, that I need money for. Again, the number is a little arbitrary, I'd like to save as much as possible, but I need something to shoot for. 

5. Get driver's license - A necessary evil. I've been resisting for long enough, and the big plans require that I drive places. 

May 1, 2015

May Cravings

1. The Kendra Scott 'Elle' Earrings in Orange. I already have these in the Celadon color, but I want to wear just orange and blue and white this summer, so I must have these. 

2. The Denim Jacket in Ecru Wash from J. Crew. I love love love denim jackets, and this goes with my white, blue, and orange color scheme for the summer. 

3. I love the simplicity of this barrette. It's a subtle nod to 50s brooch designs, but the clean lines make it modern.

4. A vacation. This is the Rockland Breakwater Lighthouse in Maine. What a dream.

Weekend Inspiration: Diana Vreeland

"There's only one very good life and that's the life you know you want and you make it yourself."        -Diana Vreeland

Photo by Horst P. Horst, 1979